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UNAVCO GPS Data Policy

Adopted by the Board of Directors on 22 June 2003.

NOTE: A new Data Policy was approved by the Board of Directors on 15 October 2009 and became effective for data collected after January 1, 2011.


All data, whether from continuous or campaign stations, must be archived at a UNAVCO GSAC site (see Appendix) as soon as possible, and within six months of data collection at the latest.


Data providers are responsible for insuring that GPS data files for their stations include provider and sponsoring agency information in the headers, or in associated logs or other documentation.


a. Continuous stations. Data will be made publicly accessible as soon as it is placed in the archive.
b. Campaign data. Data from campaign sites will be made publicly accessible no later than two years after data collection. This period may be extended under exceptional circumstances, but only by agreement between the Principal Investigator and the sponsoring agency. With the PI's permission, data can be released to a particular user before it is publicly accessible.


Users are required to give appropriate acknowledgement of the data provider and the sponsoring agency as contained in the data files, or accompanying documentation.


UNAVCO GSAC sites are GSAC sites meeting this data policy. Current UNAVCO GSAC sites are:
     •UNAVCO Facility


Last modified: 2023-09-15  14:58:41  America/Denver