January 6, 2022 M 6.1 Corinto, Nicaragua Earthquake

Event response pages are a service to help coordinate community science after an earthquake or other notable geophysical event by collecting relevant data. Findings and figures are preliminary and subject to revision.

At 16:25:07 (UTC) on January 6, 2022, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake occurred offshore of Nicaragua, about 58 kilometers south of Corinto. For more information, see the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program event page.

The event occurred within the footprint of the Network of the Americas (NOTA), a network of continuous GPS/GNSS stations and borehole instruments operated by UNAVCO that monitors plate motion and transient deformation, in addition to other applications. Stations near the event for which UNAVCO provides data include one NOTA station and several that are part of a project around Telica Volcano (NSF award 0911546)—all of which are supported by the Nicaraguan Institute for Territorial Studies (INETER).

These data are provided by the Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE) Facility, operated by UNAVCO, Inc. with support from the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR-1724794NOTA is a core component of the NSF GAGE Facility. To acknowledge use of these data please follow the acknowledgment guidelines.

Stations Downloaded

Station Distance (km) Support 1 Hz 5 Hz
LEME 55 NSF#0911546, INETER no X
ELMA 73 NSF#0911546, INETER X X
KIOS 73 NSF#0911546, INETER X X
MOM0 79 NSF#0911546, INETER X X

Last updated 1/07/2022

Did you feel it?

The USGS collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps that show what people experienced and the extent of the damage

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Written by:

  • Scott K. Johnson
  • Posted: 7 January 2022
  • Last updated: 7 November 2022

Did you feel it?

The USGS collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps that show what people experienced and the extent of the damage

Submit a response

Response Data

Please contact archive-gps@unavco.org for information on data availability. To request access to these and other RT-GPS stations operated by UNAVCO please send an email request to rtgps@unavco.org.


GNSS data access tools can be found here. The Event Data Access notebook can be used to locate stations nearest this event.

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