GPS/GNSS Data Access Methods
Please review the Data policy for data archived at the GAGE Facility.
Search GPS/GNSS Data
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
- GNSS Data Access Notebooks.
- DAIv2 [Retired] due to Flash EOL 2020-12-31.
- DAIv1 - Original GAGE Data Archive Interface web application.
- Allows search for specifics used in the acquisition of data archived at GAGE, e.g., monument style, receivers, or antennas searched via model or serial number.
- Provides search for campaign data by Principal Investigator (PI) or campaign name. Certain campaign data sets have no permanent monuments associated with the data files collected and these campaigns can only be searched with DAIv1.
Command line tools
HTTPS access is provided to our Data Archive File Server. FTP access was retired Sept. 1, 2022. As of March 30, 2023, user registration and login is now required, also known as identity management (IdM). For more information see our transition plan. Please update your data file access scripts to use our new HTTPS data file server.
- GPS/GNSS File Server Layout provides a guide to the layout of our data file server holdings of GPS/GNSS and Meteorological data.
- File access examples. File Server access examples for cURL and Wget, including user authentication.
- Script tools [Deprecated - we are replacing these with python scripts with authentication]
[Zip Archive], can loop through a list of data file URLs to download the files directly from our HTTPS data file server (See Data Access Notebooks and File access examples for obtaining a list of file URLs).
- Use our bash script:
- To use the script, simply run sh
By default, it will read 'files-download.txt' in the current working directory and download the files to the current working directory. You can provide a different file name that contains the file paths by using the '-f' parameter. You must include the path to the file unless the file is in the current working directory.
Example: sh -f path_to_files_download.txt -d path_to_directory_to_download_data
- Use wget:
- To check if wget is installed on your system, open up your console/terminal, type wget, and press enter. If you have wget installed, the system will print 'wget: missing URL'. Otherwise, it will print 'wget command not found'. If you receive the latter response, please install wget.
- Once wget is installed, use your terminal to navigate to the directory that you wish to download the files into. Then run this command: wget -i path_to_files_download.txt, where path_to_files_download.txt is the path to the files_download.txt file.
- Use our python script (requires python 3):
- To use this script, simply run python
By default, it will read 'files-download.txt' in the current working directory and download the files to the current working directory. You can provide a different file name that contains the file paths by using the '-file_name' parameter. You can also provide a directory in which you want the files to be downloaded to by using the '-download_directory' parameter. Additionally, this script has an option -verbose that you can set to True to show the file progress output.
Example: python -file_name files_download_custom_name_and_path.txt -download_directory path_to_directory -verbose True
- Use our powershell script (Windows users):
- Note: This expects you to have execution permission.
- Place download_data.ps1 and the .txt file containing the files to download in a location that you can get to, such as Desktop, Downloads, or Documents.
- Right click download_data.ps1 and choose "Run wih PowerShell".
- Enter the location to save the files in, such as Downloads, Documents, or Documents\folder_name. Note: This needs to be a location that you have permission to save to. If the folder does not exist, it will be created.
- Enter the path to the .txt file. Example: C:\Users\username\Downloads\folder_name\files_name.txt
Web Services provide RESTful HTTP access to data (e.g. position time series for stations analyzed by GAGE and Central Washington University , meteorological data from surface sensors colocated with GPS/GNSS stations) and selected metadata.
Real-time GPS/GNSS Data is available after first requesting an account by emailing rtgps See the Streaming GNSS Data Policy on real-time streaming data.
Derived Data Products (also referred to as Level 2 Products) are created from GNSS raw data and other lower level products such as RINEX.
Associated Data Products are created from other products and models.
GAGE Custom Data Requests can be made for collecting high-rate or real-time GPS/GNSS data at specific sites for specified time periods.
Last modified: 2024-05-24 17:51:20 America/Denver