Our data archive transitioned from FTP to HTTPS and as of March 30, 2023, requires registration and login for data access. For more information, see our notice about the transition.
The following describes the GPS/GNSS file server layout for permanent station/continuous data. By downloading files from GAGE's file server you are agreeing to abide by the GAGE Data Policy.
Please note:
- In order to avoid filenaming clashes due to non-unique 4-character IDs, campaign data are found only in the /gnss/pickup/campaigns area by request via our Campaign Stations search tool. .
- The file server files are subject to the hierarchy:
sub-hourly ( = nrt) supersedes highrate supersedes multi-hourly or hourly or daily
e.g. high-rate data that arrrives at GAGE as daily files or sub-hourly files or both would only be in our highrate directory. Regularly incoming sub-daily data is also combined into daily data, usually as RINEX.- For RINEX files created at GAGE, the standard observables are L1, L2, C1, P1, P2, S1, and S2 (if available in the raw data). For customized RINEX with other observables (e.g. doppler D1 and D2), please email archive-gps
/archive/gnss/logs |
Permanent station IGS-style site logs. |
/archive/gnss/rinex |
daily RINEX version 2 files from permanent/continuous stations where sample interval > 1 second. |
.../obs/yyyy/ddd |
Hatanaka UNIX-compress RINEX observation files for year yyyy and day ddd; UNIX-compress RINEX observation files for year yyyy and day ddd. |
.../nav/yyyy/ddd |
navigation files for year yyyy and day ddd (if available). |
.../met/yyyy/ddd |
meteorological files for year yyyy and day ddd (if available). |
.../qc/yyyy/ddd |
teqc qc report file. |
/archive/gnss/rinex3 |
daily RINEX version 3 files from permanent/continuous stations where sample interval > 1 second. |
.../obs/yyyy/ddd |
Hatanaka UNIX-compress RINEX observation files for year yyyy and day ddd; UNIX-compress RINEX observation files for year yyyy and day ddd. |
.../nav/yyyy/ddd |
navigation files for year yyyy and day ddd (if available). |
.../qc/yyyy/ddd |
teqc qc report file. |
Note: Daily UNIX-compress RINEX observation files are currently kept for 1 year. |
/archive/gnss/highrate[/N-Hz] |
data from permanent/continuous stations where sample interval ≤ 1 second. | ||||||
.../raw/yyyy/ddd/site |
highrate raw data files for year yyyy and day ddd. | ||||||
.../rinex/yyyy/ddd/site |
highrate data as RINEX:
/archive/gnss/hourly |
incoming data from permanent/continuous stations where start/end times nominally span 1 hour. | ||||||||||
.../binex/yyyy/ddd/site |
hourly BINEX files for year yyyy and day ddd. Note: Hourly BINEX files are currently kept for 14 days. |
.../raw/yyyy/ddd/site |
hourly raw data files for year yyyy and day ddd. Note: Hourly raw data files are currently kept for 14 days. |
.../rinex/yyyy/ddd/site |
hourly data as RINEX:
where a-x represents start hour 00 ... 23 Note: Hourly UNIX-compress RINEX and qc files are currently kept for 14 days. |
/archive/gnss/nrt/rinex/yyyy/ddd/site |
sub-hourly (= "near real-time") data from permanent/continuous stations as RINEX:
where a-x represents start hour 00 ... 23 (as with hourly) |
/archive/gnss/products |
GAGE level 2 products generated by the GAGE analysis centers: |
.../position |
gzipped tar files of the most recent position timeseries for all GAGE-processed sites. |
.../position/xxxx |
subdirectories for timeseries for individual GAGE-processed site with 4-character ID xxxx. |
.../sinex/wwww |
SINEX files for GPS week wwww for all GAGE-processed sites. |
.../velocity |
most recent site velocity vectors for individual GAGE-processed sites. |
.../event |
events identified by GAGE processing. |
.../troposphere |
troposphere files from GAGE processing. |
model products generated by GAGE using NASA GLDAS: | |
.../hydro |
calculated hydrologic loading position displacement timeseries for all GAGE-processed sites. |
products from other analysis centers: | |
.../ucb_h2o |
calculated surface water from CU Boulder data processing of selected sites. |
.../unr_qa |
quality analysis from Univ. Nevada at Reno data processing of selected sites. |
/archive/gnss/raw/yyyy/ddd |
raw data files (usually daily) for year yyyy and day ddd. Note: Raw files in this area are currently kept for 90 days. |
/archive/gnss/pickup |
holding and request staging area for campaign data; pickup area for custom data requests. |
.../campaigns |
Campaigns with anonymous, request, or grace availability; directory structure is for archive staff convenience for staging campaign data requests. Users requiring campaign data (whether anonymous or request) are encouraged to use the campaign search and data cart capability of DAIv2. |
Last modified: 2025-01-17 17:55:18 America/Denver